Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rascal Flatts = Amazing

I have no shame admitting that I am a country fan... and that I'm a huge Rascal Flatts fan. I listen to country music with the same enthusiasm that I listen to gospel, hip hip, R&B or whatever else I like. Rascal Flatts was the first country music group I really liked so I've wanted to attend one of their concerts for a while. A couple of months ago I looked up their tour dates and when I found that they were going to be in the area... I had to go! So I decided to go for my birthday.

Arriving at the Giant Statiam in Hershey, PA was interesting... I know people must of thought we were at the wrong concert because I didn't see any other black people except those I was with.

The opening acts were good... but Rascal Flatts was great!!!

Hunter Hayes

Lyd, Omoleye, & me

Thanks for coming guys!!

Sara Evans

The crowd

Our view of the stage

The drummer ( he was gettin it!)

Opening song

Rascal Flatts

Jay & Jon Don

Joe Don 

 Me about the time I "passed out on the floor in contentment"... figuratively of course 

I was on the edge of my seat the whole night. I kept thinking these folks around me are probably like "wow this girl is jamming" and "how does this black girl know ALL the words?!" When I say Racal Flatts is like my favorite group.... believe me people! Anyway... it was definitely a great night and I'm glad a went.  Happy to me from me!!!

One of their songs I caught on tape that nights 

P.S. If you like Rascal Flatts and have the opportunity to see them in concert....GO!

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 9: 31 Day Reset

Do one thing. Do something that you have been procrastinating, that terrifies or inspires you... something that moves you toward your ideal life.

One Thing

My one thing that I've done to take me one step closer to my ideal life is to sign up for a 5k race. It's something I've been procrastinating doing yet I want to do. I hope to gain better workout habits while training for the 5k race and that running will be a regular thing for me. I've given myself from now till April to get my life right and in shape. 

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy. 

Day 8: 31 Day Reset

Day 8 calls for reflection on the past week. 


I think the most important exercise this week was creating a personal mission statement for myself. Having a mission statement for an organization is important but you don't necessarily think its important in your individual life. It helped me see where I am and who I want to be and how I want to act. 

My favorite was the finished personal mission statement but also writing a personal love letter to myself. Often you affirm other people and express what you love about them, but rarely do we take the time to make a conscience effort to say what we love about ourselves in an affirming manor. 

I struggled the most with identifying my values because it was challenging to come up with words that are classified as values that I admire. 

All in all this challenge has been insightful thus far. It's challenged me to think about things in a different way. 

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 7: 31 Day Reset

Day 7 is to create a life plan. The plan should be your vision for each of the 7 areas of your life. Be specific and think big.  Once that portion is done then take the key points and extend them from the wheel that lists you as the center and the 7 areas around you that is shown below.

Have church, social life, home, job and family in close proximity to one another
Living on my own
Throw dinner parties 

Branching out and finding my niche 
Go into business for for myself
Start an accounting business with two of my friends 

Taking classing to further my knowledge in the business world 
Study for and take the CPA exam  
Read a book a month 

Get out of student loan debt within 5 years
Increase my portfolio 
Have an emergency fund for 6months worth of expenses. 
Be able to travel at leisure whenever I want

Be fit, eat healthy and exercise regularly 

Be closer with each family member
Keep in contact with extended family through texts/calls 

Establish more meaning relationship with people in my life 
Be in a committed romantic relationship 

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 6: 31 Day Reset

Today's assignment consisted of taking your values plus values in action and coming up with a personal mission statement for yourself, which should serve to help with making decisions from this point forward. Also, as you change, your mission statement chances as well.

My Mission Statement

I value loving those around me and continuing to improve my behavior to treat each person I come in contact with kindness and respect. Having integrity and the firmness  to hold true to my beliefs, principles, and morals. Being a confident woman who isn't afraid to show weakness and where she is wrong. While maintaining the poise and dignity of a godly woman, continually growing in my personal relationship with God.

(This exercise was really good, it forced me to sit down and do something thinking. I can definitely see it being useful as I move forward in life.)

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 5: 31 Day Reset

Todays challenge was to rate the 10 values from 1- 10 by asking yourself how am I current living out my values. Then list three actions you currently are or should be taking to fulfill that value in your life.

Respect - Respect others thoughts and opinions, living upright and true to myself, and treating others well.

Love - Learning how to better love people by understanding, identifying and speaking their love language.

Integrity - Being truthful, honest, standing firming to my beliefs, principles and morals.

Personal Relationship with Christ - Spending each morning with Him, developing a stronger prayer life and digging deeper in my personal time with Him.

Loyalty- Being there when needed, trustworthiness, and a being a person of one's word.

Confidence - Being strong yet not afraid to show weakness, overcoming apprehensions involving speaking to and engaging with new people and certain individuals. Speaking up more in environments that are outside of my comfort zone.

Family - Being more supportive, kind, and speak to each family member in their love language.

Happiness - Doing what makes me happy and laughing, keeping God first, not listening to other's negativity.

Poise: Not letting my (pissed off) emotions get the best of me in moments of anger, always speaking like a lady and carrying myself like a woman in all circumstance and not stooping to other's foolish levels.

Kindness:  Speak in loving/ nice tones, changing my behavior in how I interact with certain people and going out of my way to do small things for people.

Live. Love. Smile Enjoy

2012 Goals...

It's a new year with many ups and downs, laughs and tears, joys and disappointments in store for me. Who knows what this year holds but I'm looking forward to what the future has to offer. I pray and hope that within the next year I become a better woman and the woman God would have me be.

I'm not one to set resolutions for the year but I do like to set goals. I don't have many goals for this year and some are a repeat from last year. I've also put down some things I want to do/happen during the year that aren't necessarily goals but definitely things I hope to accomplish this coming year.

2012 Goals/ To Do 
  • Be diligent with monthly budgeting and Mint 
  • Be healthier - exercising and eating right 
  • Read More - A book a month for personal reading (I feel thats...realistic... o_o) 
  • Pick and read one Conflict of Ages book to be read between now and June with a second book being selected between July and Dec (Its been my desire to read the whole series for over a year but haven't) 

  • Do a 5k run (1. I need to find one and 2. I need to find someone to do it with me.... ) 
  • Take a Motocycle class 
  • Go on a hot air ballon ride 
  • Do a photo shoot with The Fam 
  • Reach 100 blog posts 
Lets Get It!!! 
Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 4: 31 Day Reset

On day four of this 31 day reset, we are asked to choose 10 values. First take time to brainstorm on all the things that you value whether it be power, kindness, family, security, etc. Once you have created a list of values choose your top ten.

I Value...
(in no particular order) 
  • Respect 
  • Love
  • Integrity
  • A Personal Relationship with Christ 
  • Loyalty  
  • Confidence 
  • Family 
  • Happiness 
  • Poise 
  • Kindness 

2011 In Picture Review

2011 had many special memories, from birthdays, graduations, travels, weddings and spending time with family... all in all, I'd say it was a great year. I picked a few highlighted memories of my year to share.

My twin buying an iPod for my birthday!! 
This has been my girl for the past 20 (yes 20!) years.

My sis and me, after reaching the top of the mountain
(Hadn't climbed up there in years) 

First time I heard my brother sing (proud moment for me) 

Brothers being baptized 

My brother's Graduations! 
(my dad would have been proud) 

First night in Korea 
(Don't ask what I'm doing) 

Korea. Traditional + Modern 

Us and our main tour guides in Korea 
(we were at a Cafe that also has fish to clean your feet... interesting experience.) 

Korean restaurant. This was one of my favorite meals actually.

Typical "what the hell is this?" face
(I was forces to eat a Lara Bar while there, it's the most 
health, dense bar in life!) 

In the radio studio watching a live show.

The Fam... Our last moments in Korea 

This pic appeals to my inner goon, judge me.

The Bestie and Me 

The Roomies at our annual BBQ 
Love these girls and the times we can get together. 

OU friends for life 

Road trip to Toronto with the fellas 
GOOD TIME... Jokes for DAYS. 

Nothing like your family. It's always nice to see my cousins :) 

Grand Central Station in NY, if you talk in the corner
the person standing in the opposite corner will hear you
(I saw it in a movie, as usual my friends that I was crazy*shrugs* but it worked!!) 

 Got to see my Bestest Buddy ever this year! 

 Threw my mom a surprise birthday dinner. 

 My friends the night before their wedding #BlackLove

 Being a bridesmaid to this union was definitely a highlight for me. 

 Family. Love them much. 

 The Fam. 
It was great spending Christmas together and it being just us.  
(we are all adults... but this is the kids table, I just.... -____-) 

 The Fam, Parent Edition 

Yours Truly ;) 

Even though 2011 had many great moments I'm looking forward to the many different experiences 2012 has to offer. Even though struggles come along, each year gets better in its own way. 

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3: 31 Day Reset

Step 1:

Write yourself an inspiring letter about how your life will be improved in the next 30 days. Use the outline below for your letter (or the worksheet in the workbook) or just freestyle your own!
Dear future [your name here],
Congrats on all the progress you’ve made so far! Now you have even more to be grateful for in each area of your life, including :
Lifestyle: You love . . .
Work: You love . . .
Education: You love . . .
Finances: You love . . .
Health: You love . . .
Family: You love . . .
Relationships: You love . . .
Your life is so much better now and it’s all because of your hard work.  Keep it up!
[your name here]

Step 2:

Next, type and paste your letter into, a site that allows you to write a letter to be emailed to youself at a later date. Set your letter to be sent to you exactly 30 days (or more) from now as a reminder to check in on your progress after the challenge. 

I'm in the mist of writing my letter to my self. At first I thought it would be difficult, but once I got started it was actually pretty easy to write a love letter to myself. Maybe I'll share it at a later date...

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Day 2: 31 Day Reset

Today's assignment assesses your life in the following areas: Lifestyle, Work, Education, Finances, Health, Family, and Relationships. Under each area ask yourself what do you like and dislike?

Like: I like that I have three day weekends to get things done, relax and travel. That I'm able to see my family every weekend without actually living there full time. I sorta like living in the country and a secluded area even though I wish it weren't so far way. And my rent at my second abode isn't bad.

 Dislike: I've come to the point I dislike living in two places and all the traveling and driving so much has me reaching limits. I've been living out of a carry-on for over two years and I'm over it. I want to come home to the same place every night and have my stuff at one location. I also dislike that I have to live with other people that I really don't know. Although they pay rent just like me, sometimes I feel like a guest living there. I would love to be living on my own apartment right right now with space all my own, or at the least living with my mom.

Like: I like working in an Adventist environment and  appreciate the fact that everyday we start our workday with worship. I've been blessed with a good work environment and nice coworkers who are easy to work with and for some reason love me. My job has great benefits and is also related to my field of study. 

Dislike: My office is located at the far ends of the earth. I also feel that I haven't been able to expand myself, experiences and knowledge base while here and I don't like that. I also want to experience other aspects of accounting besides auditing.

Like: That I successfully earned a degree from OU. 

Dislike: That I haven't started studying for the GMAT so I can start Grad school or that I haven't taken a class so that I will be eligible to sit for the CPA exam. I'm confused about which direction I should take.

Like: That I'm able to pay all my financial obligations without really worrying. For the most part I'm also able to travel, shop and do things that interest me as they come up, even if its not at the capacity I'd like. And minus student loans I have no other debt. I've also been creating a budget each month even though for me budgeting and following my budget continues to be a work in progress. 

Dislike: That I'm not where I want to be on the projected goals I've set for paying of loans and saving, nor do I make what I'd like to be making. I also haven't come up with some source of extra income or side hustle. And though it is something that is always lurking in my mind, I have not make moves to work on creating a nice portfolio. 

Like: That I'm not sickly, I have my right mind, health, and strength. I'm secure in who I am. And I love myself for who I am. I don't want to be someone else or alter my appearance in any way, I like the body I was created with.

Dislike: I dislike that I'm not in the gym regularly plus it pisses me off my gym intimidates me and that I don't eat as properly or as healthy as I should. And that I haven't worked off my "fat pack" yet to achieve great abs.

Like: That I've been blessed with a good family and that everyone that is still around is alive and well. I appreciate how my siblings and I get along much better now that we are all adults and "sorta adults". The times when the four of us are chilling, laughing and cracking on each other or being outrageous in an entertaining way in front of company are some of the best times. 

Dislike: I'm fatherless

Like: I have good successful, intelligent, positive, driven friends around me. I have people besides my immediate family that have my back and care about me. That my true friendships accept me for who I am & understand me. I've been bless with good friends that I would move mountains for if I could. On a romantic aspect, there is a part of me that is OK with being single, (that's not to say I want to be single for the rest of my life though, but I'm content in my current position and not pressed) . I can make plans and split second decisions without having to consider someone else agenda or hear displeasure regarding something I want to do and having to face disappointment when its something I want but they don't. 

Dislike: That some of my closest friends don't live close to me and I don't see them as often as I'd like. From a romantic perspective, just like there is a part of me that is OK being single, the other half is absolutely over living this single girls life. Having a significant someone would be great. Quite frequently, things come up that I'd love to share/do with a significant other but end up doing alone or with friends. Spending time, doing things and going places with that special someone are things I miss. 

Live. Love Smile. Enjoy.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1: 31 Day Reset

It's a new year with many new and great things in store! One of the things that I will begin the new year with is the 31 Day Reset Challenge. For the next 31 days I'm going to be blogging on this challenge (if I can keep my focus -______- cuz you know I get sidetracked sometimes). I'm hoping that it will challenge, enlighten and reveal some thing to me about myself I might not have realized before. Day one asks us to select a notebook, personal mantra, and theme song.

I chose a notebook that I just bought that hasn't been written in yet, and one of the sections will be dedicated to this challenge.

Personal Mantra 
(I chose two become I really liked them both.)

"Success doesn't come to go to it" ~Marva Collins
"You are the designer of your destiny; you are the author of your story." Lisa Nichols

Theme Song: 
I really like this song and it has been a constant in my playlist for a good month now. 

I chose this song because there needs to be less KP and more Jesus. I want people to see not just me but Jesus. It also reminds me that I need Jesus each and every day. 

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.