Thursday, March 31, 2011


Budgeting and keeping track of expenditures is hard. I've tried the notebook method and still do to some degree, I've tried using an excel spreadsheet, but most recently I have been using a free online computer program called Mint. Online things makes me nervous sometimes but after reading about it and what a few other bloggers had to say about their experience I decided to try it. Some people find it complex... but I actually like it. The following features are the reasons I like it and will probably continue to use it.

*These picture are small but clicking on them makes them bigger....*
  • It shows all the transactions that have occurred. Transactions show up just like they would on your online bank account.
  • It allows you to create a budget. I want to see where my money is going and if I am under or over budget for that month.
  • It shows trends in spending through a pie graph. You can view trends for the current month, previous month or for the year. And clicking on the graph allows you to see the break down of the different categories  and allows you to trace it all the way down the the expenditure that comprise that given category. The trends feature is something I really like.
  • Goals. It also allows you to set financial goals which its nice but not really a feature that I use. 
  • Net Worth. It gives a view of your net worth is well, which can be useful.
  • My one dislike so far its that for certain  reoccurring transactions every month I have to continue to put certain expense in the categories I would like for them to be in. The program doesn't remember my designation.

All in all I think the program is pretty cool and would definitely recommend it. I think its fairly simple but like anything it requires a little work. I'm definitely curious about seeing a fairly accurate picture of my total expenses at year end. That should be interesting.......

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Should Know This By 30 huh?....

I ran across this a while back or something very similar and thought it was sorta interesting. Anyway, I saw it again today and thought why not... I still have a couple of years before I hit 30 but here is what I fared on this list of things a women should know 

1. Hard-boil an egg  - ummm nope. I don't even eat eggs .

2. Diplomatically tell Mom to butt out - lol I don't know about diplomatically... but I've definitely told her its not her business.

3. Ace a job interview - Yes

4. Ask a man out -  No 

5. Send a thoughtful thank-you note - Yes

6. Listen to a friend in need - Yes

7. Ask for help - Yes

8. Effectively end an unhealthy relationship (romantic or platonic in nature) - Yes

9. Beautifully wrap a gift - I don't know about "beautifully" but I think I'm pretty decent at wrapping gifts.

10. Say “no” gracefully - lol I'm probably not always graceful but I don't have a problem saying no.

11. Whip up a great dinner with the five items in her fridge - Umm not sure... I probably could tho, I'd like to think so anyway.

12. Forget pleasing him, by 30 a woman should be able to tell her man exactly how to please her - *skips question *

13. Sew a button - Yes

14. Mix a kick-ass cocktail - No. I don't drink.

15. Take off her bra without removing her shirt - lol Yep, off or on.

16. Apply lip gloss in the dark - Yes

17. Balance her checkbook - Yes. I know how but I don't do it.

18. Create a budget - Yes. I have one.... and I try to follow it. Sometimes more successfully than others.

19. Find the best deal - The best? I'm not sure... good ones? Yes.

20. Negotiate a salary and/or pay raise - No. My negotiation skills suck -____-.

21. Read a map - Yes. I've very directional...But I guess that has nothing to do with reading a map *shrugs*.

22. Hail a cab - Ummm I watch enough movies I could probably do it. But cabs really aren't a part of my life.

23. Say something in French just for the hell of it - No

24. Apologize when she’s wrong - Yes. I will feel bad if I don't.

25. Dress for her body type - Yes

26. Change a flat (or know whom to call to come change it) - Yes... I can change my own tire.

27. Spot a fake (handbag, diamond, potential friend …) - Spot?.... people usually... material things...IDK 

28. Feign interest - yea... I'm pretty sure I suck at that.

29. Know what to tip on a $25 dinner bill - No... that's what my phone is for, but  I assume somewhere around $3.

30. Hold a baby - Yes

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ms. Joy

I'm a little very  late posting this but this past weekend was my god sister's birthday. I've known this girl since she was born... literally.  She has become quite the young lady and I am very proud of her and what she is doing with her life. She and my sister are like two CRAZY peas in a pod when they get together smh. But I love them both dearly. I really couldn't ask for a better god sister than her. 
Happy Belated Birthday Candace!!!
 Getting ready for that after church hike 
Typical Lyd and Candace  
god siblings 
 Lyd looks mad sneaky right here

Love you much and I'm so proud of you!

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy. 

Hakuna Matata

So I officially crossed off one of the things I wanted to do in 2011. Over the weekend I went to New York to see the Lion King on Broadway. I was a little nervous about it because I didn't know what to expect. One of my girls had seen it and said it was "AMAZING". Needless to say it was pretty amazing (and that is saying a LOT for me because everything is either "good","ok" or "it was fine" words like "amazing" and "great" rarely come out my mouth). By the way... Timon has to be my fav character from the lion king and I guess Pumbaa too, their interaction is too funny to me. Anyway, I've already decided Wicked (kinda like a prequel to the Wizard of Oz) will be the next one I see.

I feel like broadway is one of those things everyone should experience at least once.

*on a random side note*
I could NOT live in NY.... it's WAY to cold for me I'm not down for that foolishness! Its "springs" but I swear it felt like the dead of winter. You can miss me with that  weather.

Oh... and I finally saw and walked around Times Squares which is something I've wanted to see for a while now... so that was pretty cool.

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"I will wait for you" by Official P4CM Poet JANETTE...IKZ

I ran across this video a couple of weeks ago and liked it. I watched it twice actually which is very rare for me. I thought she delivered her piece very well.

*random* I want to attend a spoken word event like this.

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello Weekend!!

So... the weekend is here again! (for me anyway). Other than errands tomorrow, I have no plans.... but somewhere between now and tomorrow I hope to come up with some. I realize these days even thought I have three day weekends, my real weekend consists of whatever I do on Saturday(smh... the life I live). I debated cutting (trimming for those of you who have mild heart attacks  whenever I mention my hair & scissors -__-) but I think I'll wait till next weekend. I'm seriously thinking about adding layers to my hair cuz I'm getting bored with it again. Anyway, maybe I'll go for a hike on sabbath or alter this skirt I picked up from the thrift store I've been wanting to work on the last couple of weeks or catch a movie, or cook something who knows. I'm sure it will be eventful in some capacity. Anyway... I'm off to start my weekend!

Taking pics of myself
the product of being bored last night after I did my hair..

There aren't enough days in the weekend.  ~Rod Schmidt

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jesus and My Uncle Came Thru For Me

For the last couple of years (*blank stare* yes... years) I have wanted to add sweet potatoes to the list of things I can cook. And each time I tried it was unsuccessful yet edible but not quite what I wanted. So last week a friend invited me to his birthday dinner and I asked if there was anything he wanted me to bring. He asked could I cook and I told him I could and what did would he like, so he asked could I make meatballs... and my response was "ummmm no, is there anything else". He then asked could I make some sweet potatoes.... frankly I probably should have said "not really" but I didn't want to tell him no twice so he could be like "well... what the heck can this girl cook?!" So I said "yea sure I can make that, no problem" lol smh.

All week the fact I had to make sweet potatoes for Sabbath was lurking randomly around my mind and the fact I wasn't ready. Friday morning on the way to the store my mom asked what I was going for and when I told her, she was like oh your Uncle makes a good one. So she called my uncle for the recipe. And he ended up saving my "cooking life" because I was truly about to wing it and BS my with through and pray for the best! 

The recipe was pretty basic:
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Brown Sugar
  • Margarine
  • Vanilla 
  • Coconut
  • Nuts

All my basic Ingredients
 All though I would have preferred fresh cooked sweet potatoes, I just bought some cans I didn't have time (didn't feel like) cooking fresh sweet potatoes
The potatoes need to be mashed and add the sugar, vanilla, and margarine.But this is were things started to go awry for me. No where in my moms notes did it say the margarine had to be melted. So I ended up with smashed sweet pototoes with chucks of butter. FAILURE! I had to heat the potatoes on the stove so it could melt.
Worked out my lil problem...
Chopped nuts for the topping
  Finished product. It looks mad weird in this picture.

Now I don't like taking dished to dinners when its my first time making something. But sometimes you just gotta roll with it smh. And let me tell you I prayed over this dish... While I was cooking it, when I pulled into the parking lot and before I got out the car, and I sent up one last prayer before I walked in the house for Jesus to bless it. And I think He did... people seemed to like it...*shrugs*

I think next time I will experiment with it since I have a basis to start with.

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Me, You, & Money

What is the number one reason for divorce? Many would argue that a high percentage of married couples get divorces over money issues. Over the course of dating the topics of budgeting, spending habits, income, credit, & saving never came up? We all know (or we should) that communication is one of the top contributors for a healthy relationship, but I'd venture to say the continual discussion of money and all that it entails should be one of the top contributors for a healthy relationship as well.

Yesterday, I had conversation regarding this topic with a friend and he said, "I used to think it was funny when women would joke about wanting a man to have "good credit". Now I see how important it is but I'm making sure I ask what kind of debt do YOU have sweetie because 'we' aint finna get together and your credit f--- up all my plans".

He made a valid point, you need to be made aware of your partners financial position and habits before you walk down the aisle and say "I do". You see how they might handle money on the superficial level, dates, functions, traveling,...but what do the deeper levels look like. Can they afford the lifestyles they portray and handle financial obligations? Point blank can they handle money?!

Are they in debt?  By how much? Do they have a game plan to eliminate their debt or do they not care and instead continue on their merry way racking up more debt?  What are their views AND practices on budgeting, saving, spending, investing. Hell, what are their financial vices!

Money is on everyone's mind and yet when it need to be discussed it's considered taboo and swept under the rug hoping the issue will solve itself (which it won't). Just as a relationship needs "open communication" there should be open "financial communication".

There was a women who was to be married to a guy who was probably great but he was a POOR manager of money. He'd spend money on nice looking things and gifts for her but neglected the more important responsibilities to the point the women had to bail him out and help pay his bills several times. When she came upon a large sum of money she had to hide that fact from him for fear he would drain the funds. Not to say she won't have a successful marriage, but that marriage will most likely be a financial headache.

I am by no means a financial expert, but I know the money I have in the bank, I know what I owe towards my debt and recurring bills. I'm trying to pay off my student loans (prayerfully in less then ten years) and not incur more debt in the process. Yes... I've been know to occasionally rob "Peter" to to buy shoes for "Paul". Or I see how I can switch funds around to make a purchase. I believe that money is so important across the board whither you are single, in a relationship, or married, your economic status or race.

I have financial goals and aspirations now and if the day comes some significant other enters my life I want them to also be working toward their financial goals. They don't have to have them mastered but be continually striving. Be a person that together we can be on a similar page and strive to meet financial objectives we have set together. They need to be an asset and not a liability. "We can't get our dream house...naw... not even that... a decent house or roof over our head cuz you got effed up credit?!" #nawboss

Who your partner is, is important but you also have to look at how they handle money. I don't expect everything to be financially perfect, that would be unrealistic, but I am a proponent of continually striving to better one's self. So before you make that serious commitment before God and man sit down and have some serious talks over money, it will pay off.

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Potato Salad Craving

I'm sure I've stated on here I don't like to cook...but I can.
I might have also stated that I think it might be my new hobby... 
but the jury is still out on that declaration.

But a girls gotta eat.
The other day I woke up and had a craving for potato salad
so I set out a few tweets and bbms for ideas and came up 
with this... random... meal. 

Potatoes waiting to be cooked
Dry ingredients for cornbread
plus wet ingredients 
read to cook! 

Pause: so I don't know what I thinking cuz  I didn't
take a pick of the finished product smh 
and just so u know... this cornbread was

I wonder what they say about cornbread making you
get a fatty is true cuz I ate half the pan myself....

cubed potatoes, celery, olives for potato salad

Pause: I'm slacking with life cuz I didn't take 
a pic of the finished potato salad either -_-

Grillers sauteed with onions and bell peppers

My random meal:

BBQ baked beans, potato salad, some pasta 
veggie thing, BBQ grillers & cornbread

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy 

You Haven't Moved In Yet....

I have not posted a blog in what seems likes ages! A fellow blogger asked me this morning when I was going to go post again and told them I hoped to post something today....

I've been at my job about a year and a half now and according to one of my coworkers I "haven't moved in yet" because there is nothing on my walls to brighten the place up. I laughed and told them I have some pictures up and a plant. They processed to give me the blank stare and said "sister, you have one week to find something or I'm going to find something and put it up" then walked out my office.

my bare walls 

Now, I've been meaning to put something on my office walls and as much I love decorations and pretty spaces .. lets be real... my office walls aren't a priority for me. So a plant and few pictures of friends works. Its boring, I know, but its whatever to me mostly because its not my house.

a few friends... I need to add some peeps up there 

Every few days my coworker would look at my walls and comment on how no improvements were being made. To be honest I was surprised they didn't just walk into my office one day with a some type of wall treatment, a hammer and some nails!

About two days after their ultimatum I got a page to go to the front desk. I was gone for 5 minutes (if that) when I  came back to my office I sat at my desk and then randomly looked up to see something wrapped in brown paper and  a huge FAKE plant in my office and notes attached to each. This individual is a prankster so they had orchestrated the page to the front desk while they lurked around the corner waiting for me to leave so they they could put the items in my office. Needlessly to say I was pleasantly surprised. And I'll be honest... the additions make my office a little more "lived in".
I had to go get the real plant from their office

I'm not supposed to kill this sucker 

I've kept that plant alive over a year, hope I can
do the same with the new one 

I was a little unsure of their style and taste but I like them, makes the place seem not as baron.

Live. Love.Smile. Enjoy