Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You Will Be Missed

Well the time is almost here that my Fam J is "Going Home" ( LOL sorry! I had to do it one last time J!!!) We are gonna miss you!

Be safe...see you when you come back HOME! *KP side eye*
Luv ya Fam

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Come One... Come All

I just want my own little corner of the earth to live. Most times I don't mind still living at home with my mom. And although I'm cool with my job, I hate the fact that it is the middle of nowhere, form any semblance of civilization and that a social life is pretty... nonexistent.

One thing I really look forward to when I get my own place (hopefully in a more populated area that combines church, family, social life, and job into a closer proximity because what I do currently is just... plain stupid) is the fact that I can entertain.

I like having sabbath dinner at my house when the mood strikes me. It's one of the many things I miss about having my own place. Currently, only my die hard friends or those that somehow get "suckered" into it because they didn't really know the depths of how far I live will/have made the journey to Mecca. So I have to space my dinners to like once a year...

I wanna be able to have Sabbath dinners spare of the moment or planned. Have people over for a lite Friday night dinner. Have BBQ's. Throw a holiday party. And if the day comes that I find myself in a relationship/married I want to have couple dinner parties. It's so important to me that my man is cool with having people over (it just might be a relationship requirement thats how strongly I feel about this) & if he can cook... even better!!

There is nothing like good fellowship...

*Sigh* I need a cool, nice, spacious kitchen like this to cook in...

I think this table is simple yet modern.
I'd definitely put this dinning room table in my house


Good times...

Good food...

Well... one day it will happen!!

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Monday, October 25, 2010

25 random things you may or may not know...

I just ran across this note I posted to Facebook a while back and decided to post it here... Some of you have probably read this already but here it is again!!

1. I've been working with my dad in construction since the age of two till now. Whenever i go home my dad says "can you work with me tomorrow" or "i got this painting job i need you to do..."

2. Suv's are my vehicles of choice, i think they are great.

3. As a little kid, i thought i got the birthmark on my back from the time my dad was blending something in the blender and it exploded all over the kitchen and me before i could run under the table.

4. I like putting puzzles together.

5. I do not like kisses (unless they are from my man then i'm fine). But when other people kiss me it feels like their spit is seeping into my pores and i have to wipe it off.

6. I like a good joke, to laugh, and hear a good story.

7. I ate rat poise cuz i thought it was candy.

8. I'm a mild germophobic.

9. I get excited about my birthday at least two months before the actual day.

10. I'm allergic to apple skins.

11. Contrary to believe, my ears are not pierced. I once told an elder at church i'd get a tat before i'd to that. shocked the mess out of him.

12. i love traveling both in and out the country...

13. I want a chef (my twin feels me on this lol). Although i don't like to cook, i can cook. i'm kinda self-conscience about my food cuz i want people to enjoy it.

14. I highlighted my hair my junior year in collage to a Juicy Plum color. my hair came out, white at the roots, yellow in the middle and dirty brown at the ends. i looked in the mirror like OMG! I CAN NOT GO OUT LIKE THIS! Alli saved the day, i ended up with red hair which became a hit.

15. I listen to country music regularly.

16. I got suspended for two weeks my senior year in high school.

17. I like my name, I'm named after my dad, and not too many people have it.

18. I have bad phone luck. Every phone i've had has been dropped in the water and I'm always dropping it...hence my current situation....

19. When i was younger i was jealous of my sister's long nice hair. Mine was shorter and that black my mom told me to pray about it.

20. At around ten, i was driving my mom's car while my dad was tailgating me... i put on the breaks and he ended up running into the back of the car. five minutes later i ran into the front porch of the house. I felt to bad i busted into tears

21. when i say i don't care, 98% of the time i literally DO NOT care.

22. I dislike rude adults that don't show respect for younger people, and i don't like disrespectful children.

23. I have no regrets. I enjoy my life.

24. I can not take my sister seriously when she is mad. i think it is the most hilarious thing. but thats because she doesn't get mad very often.

25. I'm thankful for all of my friends and family, i believe God has placed all of them in my life for a reason.

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Lil Miss Curly Q

Every once in a while I get this strong urge to roller set my hair. And for the past... month... I'd guess I've had this urge but I've put it off because I haven't been fond of the outcome in the past because my hair never seemed to dry properly (leading to frizzy hair) and the roots around the front looked too natural and crazy and I don't feel comfortable with big hair because I feel like my hair is all over my dogon head!

But last week (I'm late making this post) I was looking WAY TOO CRAZY cuz I hadn't gotten around to my weekly wash a couple of days before so I decided to roller set. Roller setting my hair is WORK!! But this time I was actually happy with the outcome. My edges looked good, the curls dried properly....and even though it pains me to say it...big hair isn't so bad (it's taken me what? 4 years... to come to this conclusion smh lol )

I washed and conditioned as usual then I used:
  • LottaBody setting lotion (place in a spry bottle)
  • Motions Wrapping Lotion (stole this hair product idea from The Feisty House blog)
  • Medium sized perm rods
  • Rat tailed comb (for parting and distributing the products)

This right here is the main reason I don't like roller setting.
Those hard rollers mess with my sleep!

After the rollers were taken out

Day 1: After I separated the curls...

Day 2 Hair

Day 3 Hair

I think I will roller set a little more often then once a year now...It came out pretty good and I got rave reviews for the look which is a plus :)

Live. Live. Smile. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mid Month Journey

Its Day 19 of my October budget with 12 more days to go and parts of it have been blown out the water already! Yet I'm still proud of myself because I actually set down for the month and created a financial plan. (I'm using a Google Docs Template which is great) I've kept track of all my spending so far and it has given my more insight into were I need to make adjustments.

My issue with a budget has always been my variable expense. As far as this month I'm not sure if I set some a little too low for reality...

Dinning out $40
Movies Theater $25

...both of which I have pretty much reached my limit.

Also halfway through the month I realized two things.. 1. I drive a gas guzzling monster (my budget was $300 for gas) 2. I need to account for when I get inspired and wanna cook a full blown meals on the weekend. If I did not have these bouts of inspiration I could stay within my grocery budget of $150 (I think) as of now...

Gas is 300/439.05
Groceries is 150/185.56

So far I have stayed well in my shopping budget for clothes/shoes/accessories (which is quite frankly killing me). I'm curious to see the outcome at the end of the month but I'm still encouraged to continue on my financial journey.

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It Won't Kill You

Disclaimer: It's my thoughts and opinion and written from a female view (cuz thats clearly what I am) but I think its applicable and applies to both sexes though.

I will be the first to admit I like texting and bbm'ing. I'd even go as far to say I have a slight addiction to my phone. My phone and I sleep together or its at least within grabbing distance. I rarely turn my phone off unless I just don't want to be bothered. I text while driving, in church, working, cooking, around the clock, I've even gone so far as to respond at times while in the shower (yea, yea I know smh don't judge me). I like texting because 1. it is quick and easy. 2. It can be done anywhere and anytime.

I was talking to one of my girls the other day and we were on the topic of guys and communicating with them, specifically, one were there is some type of mutual interest. It seems like getting a text has increase but you are hard pressed to get a call. All this technology with texting and bbm'ing has taken us from the basics and fundamentals of actually TALKING to one another. Conversation has become in a way... dysfunctional. How are you able to really get to know someone via text? All you see are words, their tone can't be conveyed. They may say something and you take it in a totally different manor from what they actually meant. In a way you are hiding behind words. It makes you bold, confident and increases "trash talk" that might not necessarily happen over the phone or in person (we have all been victim to it... I know I have).

You know how you are good friends with someone, you talk and hang out all the time... you know how they react in different situations. So at times when they are texting you, you can "hear them say it in your head" making the message that much better! If you have a texting relationship you won't hear "their" voice in your head. Texts and words are great but if you read their messages with "your voice in your head" you don't really know them. You will read the words and basically hear it the way you would interpret it or want to read and understand it.

I'm not a big talker in general, let alone on the phone... But I can appreciate a guy that will pick up a phone and call me (and vice versa, I don't expect a guy to call me each and every time). There is something to be said for having a actual verbal conversation with someone. It gives you a good feeling and allows you to enjoy and better appreciate the person and the moments spent talking with them. Granted you need personal interaction like going places or hanging out with friends and such as well.

Verbal communication is important. Do you like they way they speak to you? Can you carry on a conversation past "how are you?"... "I'm fine"... "thats good" and bouts of torturous silence? But a actual discussion. Are they supportive of you or critical of the things that proceed out of your mouth? Do they make you laugh and smile? Can they be serious and/or playful? Are they more than just looks, can you have a meaningful thought provoking convo or does what comes out their mouth annoy you to high heavans? All of which can be answered by speaking with someone.

Today's society tries to limit and lesson personal interaction with others in general, not just in male/female relationships. If there is a interest between me and a guy, not only do I want to text him, I want to be able to carry on a good conversation over the phone as well as in person. I don't ever want to think "man our text convo's are more entertaining then actually talking...When will this be over so I can text him again?"

At this age most are interested in getting married at some point, so do you really expect that person you have a texting relationship with to be your future? If someone out there thinks that is possible...I can tell you now, IF it did happen (which its not) it won't last because you built a "texting relationship". You have no idea how to communicate with each other. And in the end... it won't last.

I'm just saying... if you are interested in someone (and even your friends ) take the time out to pick up a phone and call them. A texting relationship isn't going to build a true lasting relationship if that's the primary form of communication. Anyone can text, it takes a bit of confidence to call.

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kenneth Ray Peters Jr

Some called him…. Kenneth

Some called him…. Ken

Some called him…. Butch

Some called him…. KP

Some called him… Son

Some called him…. Elder

Some called him…. Friend

Some called him…. Cuz

Some called him…. Peters

Some called him…. Uncle

Some called him…. Brother Peters

Some called him…. Kenny

One called him …. Husband

I’m not sure what you called him

But me?.... I just called him my Daddy

Daddy, I don’t know where to even start… you have been dead one whole year. I haven’t talked to you in a year and two weeks.

This year has passed quite quickly with a lot happening but it has been one of the hardest of my short life, my only wish is that you were around to be there and take part. In the past year we had two crazy storms… lol I think you would have liked the second one and would have been right there with Lydia and me making crazy raw footage videos, improperly clothes for the weather. I got into my first major accident days before my birthday when some idiot ran me off the road. I was so thankful we all walked away ok. I couldn’t let mom bury anyone else. Speaking of my birthday… anyone that knows me knows I go HARD with excitement and anticipation when it’s my birthday. And in true KP form I was excited until like a week before when I realized this would be my first fatherless birthday. January 19th at 11: 59pm I was fine… But I swear January 20th at 12:00 am I lost it and started crying. Soon after Jonny called to wish me a happy birthday and I put on a brave front, He asked one simple question “ what do u want for your bday”. I started crying all over again and hung up. Why? Cuz all I wanted for my birthday was you… and no one can get that for me…

I got good and pissed off when mom let Mr. Adams sell your van and then I found out later. So what if I never wanted to get in that van after I broke down in my explorer in the middle 495 during rush hour in true Peters fashion. You would have been the first person I called. But I was reduced to finding other means. I got into that beat up van… bungee cords for my seat belt, a door so dented up I could see the ground. I could just see you in that van picking me up, headed home after a long day of work. The state of that van had you all over it. But it wasn’t you in that drivers seat and it never would be. And I never wanted to sit in that van again.

I bought my first car a couple of weeks ago. I had to lay Betsy to rest. I got anther SUV, you know I’m of the strong opinion that “cars are for girls” Mom gave me extra money to help me get it. Why? Because that’s what you would have done for me.

I remember our last Sabbath together as a family. We were at Camp Bethel because it brings mom so much joy and we were talking to some other family… and you said, “ Kanetha is in charge, she runs the house… she is like the neck that turns the head”. Mom didn’t like that AT ALL lol. But I agreed with you that I did run things (even if its fanciful thinking… kinda…sorta…cuz we both know I do run things to a point).

That same day at Camp Bethel we were sitting there eating and you called over to one of the pastors “this is your new conference auditor”. I was sitting across from you and I gave you one of my looks and I said in a annoyed tone, “daddy why did you do that?!” I don’t like attention or people in my business and you said to me in somewhat a quiet/saddish (yes I made that word up) tone, “because I’m proud of your Kanetha” You don’t know how I have kept and treasured that one statement. Even with all my faults, issues, that fact that you probably knew more about my life then I knew you did, and even though I don’t live right, you were still proud of ME. If someone every questioned that I swear I will cuss them clean out. I don’t care who they are.

Anyway daddy…. I just wanna say thank you. I had 25 great years with you in my life. You taught me… maybe not everything…but a hell of a lot. You taught me how to hide contraband, especially from mom lol. (I wonder if you liked hiding cookies and movies from Lyd and me, we were good at what we did and always found them). You taught me to swing a hammer, use an air gun, or circular saw. Climb a roof, lay tile or hang drywall. I remember whenever you had new workers… the men would always be surprised that I was out there. They would try to be all gentlemanly like…. I remember once this guy said to I guess his nephew “go help her” you were like leave her alone she got that, go do what you are supposed to. Or the time you and I were working on building a shed and when it came time to left the walls some dude wanted to help cuz he didn’t think I could/ should do it. And you were like me and my daughter got this… go lift that wall Kanetha. And that’s exactly what I did… (dad I miss construction and working with you, getting dirty and the general challenge). Thank you for the many experience I have faced with you, it made me learn to roll with the punches and life’s unexpected situations. Not every chick would feel perfectly save and fine driving an audi with two busted you doors half falling off. Thank you for just being one of the greatest men I know.

I started writing with in tears and ended it with a smile on my face. Even though I tried not to think of you for real. I have many great memories that I will cherish always. And whenever I hear some story about you and something you did to touch someone’s life I’m just so proud of you and the fact that you were MY dad.

I just wanna live to be half the women measured to the man you were.

Kanetha Rayan Peters

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Never Forgotten

You can say half of this weeks posts are dedicated to my dad.

Kenneth R. Peters.... you might be gone and forever missed... but you will never be forgotten.

Kanetha R. Peters

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy.

I did it...

So I'm on this mission to eliminate my student loans! And today was the first day that I got serious about with my elimination plan. I know that every month I won't be able to contribute as much as I did today... but I'll have to handle that later. HOPEFULLY... by October 2011 I will have paid off half or close to half off of one of my loans.


$11, 761.58

Today's Pmt

I'm not gonna lie... it hurt my heart to see that money go... but it must be done. I have thing to accomplish.

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Monday, October 4, 2010

October Quotes

I had the bright idea today to have a post every month full of quotes I like. So here are my Top 7 Quotes for October and a few honorable mentions.

1. The greatest gift I ever had come from God; I call him Dad! ~ Author Unknown

2. Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. ~ Author Unknown

3. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
~Author Unknown

4. Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest in inheritance.
~ Ruth E. Renkel

5. He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.
~ Clarence Budington Kelland

6. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, loves leaves a memory no one steal.
~ From a headstone in Ireland

7. One father is more than a hundred Schoolmasters. ~ George Herbert

Honorable Mention:

A father is always making his baby into a little women. And when she is a women he turns her back again. ~Enid Bagnold

Old as she was, she still missed her daddy ~ Gloria Naylor

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which was been your delight. ~ Kahile Gibran

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Weekend Summary

Its any other Monday morning after a good weekend with friends and family. It was a relatively chill weekend. I went to dinner and a movie friday. Helped organized sabbath dinner from the comfort of my bed via text sabbath morning ( I heart technology). Dressed in all black as a symbol of mourning for my dad with my mom and sister. Got to church for the letout ( gonna have to work on getting to church at a decent time). Had Sabbath dinner in what was a TRUE potluck! But the food was good. And topped off the sabbath with a walk to Cunningham Falls! Its been years since I had been there. It was a great sense of euphoria. All in all... great weekend. Shout out to the Planning Committee!

Steve Madden and Banana treat me right!

All Black Everything.
Jered. Fam.

The Planning Committee did it once again!

Ready to get the show started

What up?!

Climbing on the falls

I love the weekend. And hanging with friends and family.

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enough