Tuesday, March 8, 2011

You Haven't Moved In Yet....

I have not posted a blog in what seems likes ages! A fellow blogger asked me this morning when I was going to go post again and told them I hoped to post something today....

I've been at my job about a year and a half now and according to one of my coworkers I "haven't moved in yet" because there is nothing on my walls to brighten the place up. I laughed and told them I have some pictures up and a plant. They processed to give me the blank stare and said "sister, you have one week to find something or I'm going to find something and put it up" then walked out my office.

my bare walls 

Now, I've been meaning to put something on my office walls and as much I love decorations and pretty spaces .. lets be real... my office walls aren't a priority for me. So a plant and few pictures of friends works. Its boring, I know, but its whatever to me mostly because its not my house.

a few friends... I need to add some peeps up there 

Every few days my coworker would look at my walls and comment on how no improvements were being made. To be honest I was surprised they didn't just walk into my office one day with a some type of wall treatment, a hammer and some nails!

About two days after their ultimatum I got a page to go to the front desk. I was gone for 5 minutes (if that) when I  came back to my office I sat at my desk and then randomly looked up to see something wrapped in brown paper and  a huge FAKE plant in my office and notes attached to each. This individual is a prankster so they had orchestrated the page to the front desk while they lurked around the corner waiting for me to leave so they they could put the items in my office. Needlessly to say I was pleasantly surprised. And I'll be honest... the additions make my office a little more "lived in".
I had to go get the real plant from their office

I'm not supposed to kill this sucker 

I've kept that plant alive over a year, hope I can
do the same with the new one 

I was a little unsure of their style and taste but I like them, makes the place seem not as baron.

Live. Love.Smile. Enjoy


  1. wow kanetha, thats so nice that they would do that for you annnd i LOVE the wall treatment, esp the words. Happy work days! ;-)

  2. Glad I could be apart of the decorations!! Girl your office looks like a waiting room in a Doctors office you need some color and a splash of paint
