Wednesday, November 3, 2010


*Blows out hot air while sighing VERY deeply* THEN * lays head on the desk* So... financially the month just started and I'm already financially depressed.

Lets start at the beginning...

So I made it through October and stuck with my budget fairly well. I ended up spending about $50.00 over budget. Not bad for the first time of actually creating a budget and sticking to it. (can't remember if I wrote on here or not... but I'm using this Google Doc Template for personal budgets and its really great). There have been several things I have learned about my spending habits this month.
  • Evidently some ATMs charge you just for a balance inquire ( I was blown when I looked at my statement and realized this)
  • It also appears that the ATM charges you and YOUR bank charges you when you use an ATM from another bank (clearly I haven't been paying attention to these once again...BLOWN! I could have used that $2 my bank charges elsewhere).
  • I drive a gas guzzling monster....and I buy a lot of food for a little person even though some food is for the general household.
  • I found I didn't want to spend money once I got paid before I had set up my November Budget.

I'm financially depressed because....
  • I haven't even started my Christmas shopping
  • I'm spending a huge chunk on hotels this month for work ( which isn't a big deal ... it's just throwing a wrench in my monthly goals and plans)
  • The wrench being that I won't be making my monthly goal on my extra monthly payments toward my student loan.
  • Thanksgiving.... *Sigh* is one of my favorite holidays and I know I'm about to end up spending to get food and stuff to get ready for it. (But I've budgeted for we'll see how that goes)
Woes... I'll tell ya...Oh well such is life. I'm just glad September and October are FINALLY over I HATE those months *bbm not interested face*. I'm so ready for the holidays! This has to be my favorite time of year with Thanksgiving coming, then Christmas, then New Years, then MY BDAY! :)

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

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