Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Keeping a Low Profile....

I have been driving for the last month on a suspended license an let me tell you it has been the most stressful month of driving of my short life! I have followed the speed limit like nobody's busy and used my indicator at ever turn, come to complete stops at stop signs, praying every time I get in the car that I don't get pulled over.... I have been a model driving citizen. But it has been so nerve wrecking... every time you see a cop its just this nervousness that they are about to pull you over, and quite truthfully they probably aren't paying any attention if you're driving properly.

I have pulled off the highway on some random exit and took some long round about way home when I saw the cop pull onto the highway with his lights flashing. I have left a store, headed toward my car when I saw TWO cops parked in front of my car, I LITERALLY turned and walked into a mattress store (what business do I really have in a mattress store?!) while I waited for them to leave. I eliminated all extra, unnecessary driving and if it wasn't on my route to or from work I probably wasn't gonna go.

I feel like driving on a suspended license is definitely a moved my dad would have pulled (I put good money on it that he has)...and after... all I am my father's daughter. Anyway, my month of driving punishment is over (Thank God) and I'm sure my main driver (my sis) is glad too. It's just another experience I can add to my life's story and KP adventures! lol

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

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