Monday, November 22, 2010

Sometimes When Dynamics Change... So Does Your Understanding

(this blog was triggered from a convo with one if my girls on the following topic )

So often you meet someone and for whatever reason you find yourself attracted to them. They have good looks, charisma, the way they make you feel, whatever the reason you find yourself attracted and crushing..HARD. I don't know what men do when they find someone they are attracted to someone, but females feel the need to enlighten their girlfriends about their latest attraction. "He asked for my number", "He called me last night", "girl, he paid for the meal"...yada, yada, yada...whoo, whoo, whoo *rolls eyes*. Yes... sadly, I have fallen pry to this fanciful way of thinking a time or two in my life. It is probably somehow part if the complex structure of bring a female...I don't know.

Anyway, you tell your girls about your interest and the little things he has done and things that he says until the novelty of it all wears off, you loose interest or you realized you just make better friends and"aren't meant to be" or whatever the reason. Months down the road when your vision has been cleared from infatuation, when reflecting on your attraction to that person you realize that yes they liked you and enjoyed your company and where somewhat intrigued by you... but just on a friend level. All the the things you perceived very well might have had some truth to them... but once you change the category you have placed yourself, from " attracted to", to " no longer interested" or "friends" you better see and interpret their actions. You realized that this is who they are as a person and how they treat the people they come in contact with in general.

Basically... just because you like someone and at times talk and hang out with them does not mean that they like you on that same level. They could just enjoy you as a friend and the elements that your friendship brings to their life

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

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