Monday, January 31, 2011

My Other Brother

Today (in America anyway) it is my god brother's birthday... in Korea... it's already past lol. I wasn't able to post this earlier...but its never too late for birthday celebrations!

My god brother and I have been running around together for the last 25 years or so and still going pretty strong. I feel it's rare to still be friends with childhood friends these days, so I feel pretty privileged to have mine still around.

we were probably 3 and 2 in this pic

I think this pic is so cute!

god siblings (this summer)

Night before Jon left for Korea

Jon... I wish you the best in this upcoming year and that God will continue to guild you in your life.


Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Bday Weekend!

I had a good birthday weekend :)

I spent Friday shopping and cooking... I made:
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Chicken Lasagna (veggie of course)
  • Rice and Peas
  • Prime Stake
  • Green Peas
Dinner on Saturday turned out good and everyone seems to like the food which is always good. Being a hostess is so slightly want to make sure everyone likes the food and is enjoying themselves. So its always nice when you pull off a successful dinner lol.

I could not for the life of me come up with anything to do Saturday night for my birthday so I said "I'm just gonna roll with it".... Rolling with it basically consisted of chillin on the couch talking with friends and playing Taboo. A simple evening but nice.

I went to brunch and against my will and my "No, please don't!" and wishful thinking... I had to sit there while the wait staff clapped and wished me Happy Birthday. LOL smh embarrassing! Everyone one around seems to get a good laugh *shrugs* so hey... But thankfully there is no raw footage of this!! I was also able to see a good friend of mine that was in town for the weekend as well.

So all in all it was another good weekend and birthday.

Here are some of my pics from my dinner (I really need to get better taking pics at events I have been slacking off lately)

On the way to "church"

Cutting the Cake
Those dookie balloons on the cake are just...... smh

There was a process to opening gifts. I had to read the card 1st

Still reading....

I LOVE a notebook. This is to document the journey to Korea!

I love a tank top too!

For my new found hobby of cooking.
This cookbook has tons of colorful pictures which I love.
I like seeing how dishes should turn out.

I don't understand why more cookbooks don't have pictures...

Me, my Twin, and my new iPod she got me!
I was SURPRISED and utterly SHOCKED!
I believe the convo went like this:

Me: " is this for real... *crazy KP face*
Gin: lol ..."yea its real"
Me: *looks back at ipod* " this legit?" *crazy confused KP face*
Gin: "LOL yea its legit"
Me: "seriously?!....WOW"

Gin got me the very thing I really wanted for my bday!!
Thanks Twin! :D

My sis, mom, and myself

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy

I am WEAK(Natural Hair Woes)!!!

For whatever reason Youtube won't allow me to upload this Video.
But I watched this video this morning and was DYING!!
This is lady is going off about her natural hair

*the link takes you to the youtube video*

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

ooVoo Me

Monday night I should have been productive with my life but I spent a good 4 hours of my life on ooVoo and skype! I had some of the BEST jokes, took a trip down memories lane, had a guest appear in my group chat (AWKWARD!!)... I probably ended up talking to my roomies 3 outta the 4 hours I was video chatting.

I have be working on these these girls (one specifically, to get her life together) so we could video chat. Monday night it finally happened and it was so good. It was almost like we were back it at Oakwood. This is gonna change the way we do "business" lol. Don't get me wrong I like three way phone calls and our BBM group chats and all but video is just better cuz we can view facial expressions and it doesn't make the distance seems as far.

We decided that even if we have to get in our cars and drive and stay in a freaking Super 8 we are getting together this year. We have been to apart as whole group too long!

These pics are stupid small...

But this is us taking pics of each other with our Blackberrys
while video chatting
. Call us losers if you like lol. But I heart these girls

"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you."
- Elbert Hubard

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Am Engrossed

I Am Engrossed...

This is a poem by my friend Sean Brereton (you can check him out on Facebook or Youtube) that I have decided to share with you. I read the poem a while back but it was cool to actually hear it.

Anyway, hope guys Enjoy and show him some love!

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Its My Birthday!!!

So guys... today is my BIRTHDAY! #itsacelebrationbitches!!!!

As if the whole world (my little world anyway) didn't know already...I mean... I've been doing a count down and all. But what can I say I'm just one of those people that are excited about their Bday. *shrugs* so sue me.

Anyway... I am exactly where I said I would NOT be today and that is work. I'm so blown! But that's ok. I'll be taking my Bday off day later on.

I just want you guys to know... I have GREAT friends. And I appreciate all the Birthday love :)

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have seven more days till my birthday!! I am one of the individuals that gets excited about their birthday MONTHS in advance. It's to the point I really have to force myself not to start thinking about it for real until October. Anyway next week I'll be somewhere not sure where, ( I won't be at work I can assure you!) enjoying my birthday.

I'm also excited because for months, my girl and I have been talking about going to Korea to visit her brother and my god brother (and a few other friends). We have been in a state of limbo about our plans because we have been waiting for her job to grant her request for vacation time. Monday she told me she got the time off! I immediately put in my request for time off (I was waiting for her to get approved first). Well...I got my signed Vacation Slip today!!! So Korea is my next stop! (am I blown I wont be taking any legit trips between now and July?! YES! but I think Korea will be worth it)

I'm excited about going... anytime to travel I'm down ( I have an inner gypsy). BUT going to Korea is a financially HUGE! Plane tickets are so freaking expensive. But I hear things aren't that bad once you actually get over there. We shall see. The next few months I'm sure will be spent busy planning & saving.

  1. I wish I was good at photography... to document this trip.
  2. A side hustle is imperative!
Anyway, Lessssgo!!!

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Closet Purging

Several weeks ago I came to several realizations all at once. I was in my room getting dressed putting on my jeans which I had to wiggle, jump, cajole, & hop into. Now I'm not a big broad but the fact it took me literally 5 minutes, all those changes and a few lounges to get those suckers up is just...

So in the mist of hopping around my room I realized:
  1. I don't feel or think I gained wait but evidently I have
  2. I need new jeans
  3. And the fact I need new jeans lead me to the fact I need to go through my closet and get rid of clothing I don't wear.
So I "made" the decision to go through my closet. I opened the my jean drawer... looked at them and was like I don't have the energy for this daunting task... and shut it.

Before pic of my closet

However, that following week I read a blog by Kendi Everyday where she talks about creating a working closet by Purging, Assessing, Organizing, Shopping, & Remixing

After reading her blog post I was inspired to get back in my closet and try it again. So Christmas weekend I spent all day Sunday in my room working on my closet. I tried on every clean article of clothing in my room and that was also in my possession (my sister likes taking my clothes for some reasons. *waves* What up Lyd!!)
  • If I had not worn it in ages
  • Didn't like it
  • Too small
I got rid of it.

Clothes I got rid of

I will confess though, there are some things I could not part with because although I might not wear them often I still like them and can fit them. ( i.e special occasion dress, sabbath dresses or cardigans). My closet feels less cluttered. I know that what is in there are things that I will wear or that will be useful at some juncture. Now I need to work on purchasing NEEDED (not wanted) items for my closet. Some of those items are... jeans, white dress top, business skirts... oh... did I say JEANS already?...

If you haven't purged your closet lately I suggest you give it a whirl.
My closet after purging

Random: Remember me saying earlier that I don't feel like I'm gaining weight but evidently I am. I bought this dress years 2009 and didn't wear it again till new years 2010. And all I know is that dress does not fit me the same.

NYE 2009 this dress had room on the sides

Me trying to pull this wretched dress down

NYE 2010 this dress is WAY tighter... and shorter than I remembered..

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy.

First Post of the year: 2011 Goals

Well... 2011 is finally here! I'm a little late in posting this... but oh well...

I'm not a person that sits down and writes new years resolutions. Personally, I think its a bunch of foolery. Most people write this list of things they wanna do and life changing activities (i.e working out) and by March (if that) it has all fallen by the wayside. I don't have any new years resolutions but I do have a few goals I'd like to accomplish this coming year.

  • Go to Korea and Thailand for two weeks
  • Pay off half my $11,000 student loan by Oct 11'. (Roughly that would be about $5,000 by Oct and I hope about $6,000 by Dec 11.)
  • Take a motorcycle class
  • Go to Florida
  • Go to a NFL game ( yes... yes I know I'm not into sports for real but I want the experience)
  • See a Broadway show
  • Travel outta town at LEAST 3 times
  • Try at least 2 different types of cuisine I've never had before
  • Build of an emergency fund
  • Have at LEAST 100 blog posts this year
With a little budgeting, planning and focus I believe I can do all of these things this year.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" ~Unkown

Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy