Friday, November 4, 2011


I love a good love story and a beautiful wedding

25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!

So I saw and stole this from my friends over at The Feisty House (hey guys!!). This is a cool video on wearing a scarf because I know sometimes wearing the same style gets boring. You can also click on each scarf to get a full tutorial. Enjoy!

Live. Love. Smile Enjoy

Thursday, November 3, 2011


So.... this has been sitting my drafts for over a week because I had to buy something to upload my photos:

Yesterday was an eventful day... to say the least but it it was a great day. I saw acquaintances and friends I hadn't seen in a while, had a good Sabbath dinner, saw The Fam and ended the day at a corn mase. My twin and I had decided a  couple of weeks ago that we were gonna go to the corn maze.  So yesterday before I headed to church I threw a few things in a bag and headed out the door.

My "unprepared is this happening" face
After gathering the troops we headed out to the corn maze. They had bonfires going, a jumping thing for kids, and some booths selling food and snack, with country music playing in the background to help create a country ambiance. They also gave you a piece of paper that allows you to do different activities as you walk through the maze.There was a map by numbers on the sheet of paper that you fill in as you go and also a game where you have to find all the clues.

The crew 
The experience was cool... but it was WAY too cold for me and I was not prepared . Somewhere along the way I lost my flash light ( how that even happened I do not know), I got hit in the face by corn stalks, blazed our own path, got slightly muddy and froze my little fingers OFF.

 Me and thing 

 About to enter the maze 

Trying to see what clues we were missing 

Over all it was fun... but way too cold!!

Live. Love. Smile, Enjoy

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A love Language Journey?... (I Don't Know What to Title This)

I'm in embarking on a new journey so to speak... well... its more so a new experience.

Several weeks ago I took the 5 Love Languages assessment to determine what my love language is. The following are my results.
  • Receiving Gifts/ Quality Time
  • Words of Affirmation 
  • Acts of Service 
  • Physical Touch
I found the results interesting, although some it I was already aware of. After taking the assessment I wanted to read the book. I knew we had the book around the house somewhere because I know my mom had read the book but I had not gotten around to looking for it. Last week I was approached by a friend to read The Five Love Languages Singles Edition with her, after asking a couple of questions ( I have to ask questions before I commit myself to things) I jumped at the opportunity because I've been wanting to read the book.

We decided to co-blog our thoughts and finding on the book as well as include some challenges. First and foremost, I'm looking forward reading the book. But I'm also looking forward to the experience of co-blogging  and seeing what this experience has to offer. So check us out at and Follow!

I will still have my blog... I enjoy blogging and even tho I don't blog as often or  how I would like, this is still my baby.

Live. Love. Smile. Enjoy.