I had a good birthday weekend :)
I spent Friday shopping and cooking... I made:
- Macaroni and cheese
- Chicken Lasagna (veggie of course)
- Rice and Peas
- Prime Stake
- Green Peas
Dinner on Saturday turned out good and everyone seems to like the food which is always good. Being a hostess is so slightly pressuring...you want to make sure everyone likes the food and is enjoying themselves. So its always nice when you pull off a successful dinner lol.
I could not for the life of me come up with anything to do Saturday night for my birthday so I said "I'm just gonna roll with it".... Rolling with it basically consisted of chillin on the couch talking with friends and playing Taboo. A simple evening but nice.
I went to brunch and against my will and my "No, please don't!" and wishful thinking... I had to sit there while the wait staff clapped and wished me Happy Birthday. LOL smh embarrassing! Everyone one around seems to get a good laugh *shrugs* so hey... But thankfully there is no raw footage of this!! I was also able to see a good friend of mine that was in town for the weekend as well.
So all in all it was another good weekend and birthday.
Here are some of my pics from my dinner (I really need to get better taking pics at events I have been slacking off lately)
This cookbook has tons of colorful pictures which I love.
I like seeing how dishes should turn out.
I don't understand why more cookbooks don't have pictures...
I was SURPRISED and utterly SHOCKED!
I believe the convo went like this:
Me: ".....is... is this for real... *crazy KP face*
Gin: lol ..."yea its real"
Me: *looks back at ipod* "....like....is this legit?" *crazy confused KP face*
Gin: "LOL yea its legit"
Me: "seriously?!....WOW"
Gin got me the very thing I really wanted for my bday!!
Thanks Twin! :D
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