Several weeks ago I came to several realizations all at once. I was in my room getting dressed putting on my jeans which I had to wiggle, jump, cajole, & hop into. Now I'm not a big broad but the fact it took me literally 5 minutes, all those changes and a few lounges to get those suckers up is just...
So in the mist of hopping around my room I realized:
- I don't feel or think I gained wait but evidently I have
- I need new jeans
- And the fact I need new jeans lead me to the fact I need to go through my closet and get rid of clothing I don't wear.
So I "made" the decision to go through my closet. I opened the my jean drawer... looked at them and was like I don't have the energy for this daunting task... and shut it.
Before pic of my closet However, that following week I read a blog by
Kendi Everyday where she talks about creating a working closet by Purging, Assessing, Organizing, Shopping, & Remixing
After reading her blog post I was inspired to get back in my closet and try it again. So Christmas weekend I spent all day Sunday in my room working on my closet. I tried on every clean article of clothing in my room and that was also in my possession (my sister likes taking my clothes for some reasons. *waves* What up Lyd!!)
- If I had not worn it in ages
- Didn't like it
- Too small
I got rid of it.
Clothes I got rid of
I will confess though, there are some things I could not part with because although I might not wear them often I still like them and can fit them. ( i.e special occasion dress, sabbath dresses or cardigans). My closet feels less cluttered. I know that what is in there are things that I will wear or that will be useful at some juncture. Now I need to work on purchasing NEEDED (not wanted) items for my closet. Some of those items are... jeans, white dress top, business skirts... oh... did I say JEANS already?...
If you haven't purged your closet lately I suggest you give it a whirl.
My closet after purging
Random: Remember me saying earlier that I don't feel like I'm gaining weight but evidently I am. I bought this dress years 2009 and didn't wear it again till new years 2010. And all I know is that dress does not fit me the same.
NYE 2009 this dress had room on the sides
Me trying to pull this wretched dress down
NYE 2010 this dress is WAY tighter... and shorter than I remembered..
Live. Laugh. Smile. Enjoy.