Every once in a while I get this strong urge to roller set my hair. And for the past... month... I'd guess I've had this urge but I've put it off because I haven't been fond of the outcome in the past because my hair never seemed to dry properly (leading to frizzy hair) and the roots around the front looked too natural and crazy and I don't feel comfortable with big hair because I feel like my hair is all over my dogon head!
But last week (I'm late making this post) I was looking WAY TOO CRAZY cuz I hadn't gotten around to my weekly wash a couple of days before so I decided to roller set. Roller setting my hair is WORK!! But this time I was actually happy with the outcome. My edges looked good, the curls dried properly....and even though it pains me to say it...big hair isn't so bad (it's taken me what? 4 years... to come to this conclusion smh lol )
I washed and conditioned as usual then I used:
But last week (I'm late making this post) I was looking WAY TOO CRAZY cuz I hadn't gotten around to my weekly wash a couple of days before so I decided to roller set. Roller setting my hair is WORK!! But this time I was actually happy with the outcome. My edges looked good, the curls dried properly....and even though it pains me to say it...big hair isn't so bad (it's taken me what? 4 years... to come to this conclusion smh lol )
I washed and conditioned as usual then I used:
- LottaBody setting lotion (place in a spry bottle)
- Motions Wrapping Lotion (stole this hair product idea from The Feisty House blog)
- Medium sized perm rods
- Rat tailed comb (for parting and distributing the products)
Those hard rollers mess with my sleep!
Day 3 Hair
I think I will roller set a little more often then once a year now...It came out pretty good and I got rave reviews for the look which is a plus :)
Live. Live. Smile. Enjoy.
You finally came around to big hair! I love it!